Is Your Tagline Up to the Test?

It helps consumers link your name to your brand message. Some of you may already have a tagline already… but is it up to the test? Ask yourself these questions if you’re in the business for a tagline or want to vamp up your current one…

 “Your business’s tagline is one of the most important ads you’ll ever create.” Click to Tweet

1.    Is it memorable and original? When you hear the words “Just Do It”, what comes to mind? Nike! Nike has created a tagline that is short, sweet and to the point. In fact, their tagline is almost as famous as the brand itself.  You want to create a tagline that is short so people can remember it easily, yet also original so it doesn’t get mistaken for another brand.



2.    Does it allow consumers to recall your name? You do not want a tagline that strays too far from your business. M&M is a perfect example of doing it right. Nobody likes sticky, chocolate-y fingers after eating a candy bar, so M&M coined the phrase, “Melts in your mouth, not in your hand.” Their tagline really nails their business on the head because of their candy’s hard shell that keeps it from melting in a couple of seconds.



3.    Is it easy to say? Try saying your tagline out loud… does it leave you tongue-tied? Some taglines look fabulous on paper, but if you try saying it out loud, it is down right painful. McDonalds does a great job at this with their tagline, “I’m lovin’ it.” Your tagline shouldn’t just be easy to remember, it should be easy to say.



4.    Are you being realistic? Having the slogan, “We have the lowest prices EVER” probably isn’t the best tagline when you most likely don’t. Your tagline shouldn’t be an exaggeration of your product/business, but it should instead highlight it. Allstate’s tagline is a great example with, “You’re in good hands.” This shows their commitment to their customers without making a promise they can’t keep.




5.    Are you focusing on the customer’s benefit? Your slogan should provide some sort of reason on why the consumer should come to YOU for your service. De Beers shows value to their customers with, “A diamond is forever.” Even a phrase comprised of four words can showcase benefit and gain to your potential consumers.


De Beers 

If you’d like us to help you leave “a unique fingerprint” with your tagline, connect with us on Twitter,  Facebook or check out our website


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