So you’ve decided to redo your website, logo and/or print material. Your business is your baby, so of course you want to make sure it is in the best hands. Just how it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes a village to...
Let’s Brand Like a Boss
Is Your Tagline Up to the Test?
It helps consumers link your name to your brand message. Some of you may already have a tagline already… but is it up to the test? Ask yourself these questions if you’re in the business for a tagline or want to vamp up your current one… “Your business’s tagline is...
The Golden Ratio and Logo Design
Beauty is found in the eye of the beholder. We find the grace and pleasure in surroundings around us, be it nature, people, places, architecture and yes, design. There has been a theory why we find our surroundings so pleasing when it comes to design the Golden Ratio...
Do I use Sans Serif or Serif Fonts for my Website?
Have you ever heard the terms 'Sans Serif' and 'Serif'? These are two incredibly important terms when it comes to fonts and design. Knowing which one to choose can often make all the difference between a great looking a header...